Interacting with Whimsy Grove
Join in with the chaos
Twitch Chat Commands
Zannah has provided a wide range of ways to interact in Twitch Streams. Check out what you can do below!
!youtube - Displays YouTube Link
!twitter - Displays Twitter Link
!insta - Displays Instagram Link
!kofi - Displays KoFi Link
!vods - Displays Vod Channel Link -
!perfect - A message for people who aren't able to provide monetary support
!shop - Displays links to Zannah's shops
!support - A link to the support page on the website
!tip - Displays link to tip
!throne - Displays wishlist link
!kofi - Displays Ko-Fi link -
!follows - Live follow count
!docket - Shows the plan for stream
!leaves - Explains what "Leaves" are and how you can use them
!cookies - Displays how many cookies you have
!trees - Displays how many trees we have planted as a community
!mods - Find all the links to Zannah's game mods
!boundaries - Displays a link to Zannah's boundaries
!followage - Displays how long you've been following for
!tarot - I do tarot!
!taskbreakdown - Gives a link to a website that helps break down tasks
!farmplan - Gives a link to a website for Stardew farm planning
!music - Links all music playlists Zannah made for streams
!pronouns - Gives a link to a web extension that lets you add pronouns to chat
!train - Displays our highest Hype Train level
!today - Find out if there is a special occasion today
!randomday - Find a random special date!
!visionboard - Displays goals and goal progress for the month
!raid - Posts both the follow and the subscription raid call
!schedule - Posts the schedule into Twitch chat
!subpoints - Displays our highest sub point total -
Leaves -
A passive currency that you gain by spending time in the stream. Can be used to !feed [number] Felix or enter giveaways, including the morning oracle reading giveaway
Commands - !leaves !treetopCookies -
A rare currency, gain 1 cookie for being active in chat before Zannah goes live and gain 1 for claiming the "1st" redeem. Every 50 cookies you will get VIP for the following month
Commands - !cookies !cookiejarBragging Rights -
Claimed through Twitch channel points. Their only use is for bragging about the time you've spent in streams, or your ability to hoard points.
Commands - !brag -
!botwdeaths - Displays how many times Zannah has died in Breath of the Wild
!yawns - Displays how many times Zannah has been caught yawning
!sneezes - Displays how many times Zannah has sneezed -
!angel - Gives the user a random angel/devil percentage
!100 - Displays all users who got 100% devil, angel or true neutral
!cards - Posts information about the Oracle Deck I use on stream
!clip - Clips stream and sends it into chat and the Discord
!sendclip [clip link] - Sends your linked clip of stream
!coin - Flip a coin to make a decision
!daddy - Displays the Daddy of the day
!daddycount - Displays how many times you have been Daddy
!topdaddy - Shows the top 3 Daddys
!dailies - Will trigger all daily commands
!dice - Roll a D20 to find out your fate
!delights - Will post the 9 delights to try encourage more positive daily habits
!disconnect - Was Zannah "rude"? Show how you feel by disconnecting from chat LOUDLY (this is only a chat response)
!feed [number] - Feed Felix that amount of your leaves, watch he doesn't burst though...
!hate [something/someone] - Gives you a ranom percentage of how much you hate the thing/person
!hug [@user] - Give another person in chat a hug!
!grouphug - Hug everyone in chat
!jigsaw - Posts the active jigsaw link
!love [something/someone] - Display a random percentage of how much you love the thing/person
!lurk - Let chat know you are sneaking into lurks (there is also a redeem for this)
!unlurk - For when you return from lurks
!luckyday - Is it your lucky day?
!manifesting [optional: what to manifest] - Has Felix manifest with you
!memoir - Posts a random quote as your memoir
!pet - Pet Felix
!rigged - To be used when you think something was rigged -
!newcookie - Add the name of a cookie you would like to be included as our random daily batch!
!newquote - Add a quote from chat/Zannah (don't forget to add who said it)
!newaffirmation - Add a new affirmation that could possibly show for the affirmation redeem
!newmemoir - Add a new memoir that could possibly respond to the !memoir command
!suggest - A suggestion other than the ones above? Use this command for miscellaneous suggestions
Badger’s Badges
Our local Badger LOVES to give out badges. See what badges you can find on your travels!
!badges • !sash
Rest Stop - Join stream one time
Regular - Join stream 50 times
Dedicated - Join stream 100 times
??? - ???
Grove - Follow on Twitch
Acorn - Subscribe on Twitch
Gifted - Gift a subscription
Tree - Subscribe for 1 year
Bits and Pieces - Give bits
Nice - Give 69 bits
Fly High - Give 420 bits
Boost - Boost the Discord server
First - Claim "First"
Daddy - Win Daddy title
Cookie - Get a cookie
Quiet Corner - Claim "Lurker Brag"
??? - ???
Action - Clip the stream with !clip or send a clip you made with !sendclip [link]
Attention- !pet Felix
Angel - Get 100% angel
Devil - Get 100% devil
Supporter - During a special stream
Joystick - During Olden but Golden
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???