Rules & Boundaries

Respect and kindness will get you far


1. Respect Zannah's boundaries

2. Be kind, courteous and respectful to each other.

3. Please avoid disclosing any sensitive personal information about yourself or others.

4. No trauma dumping - you have no idea who you could be triggering.

5. Unsolicited promotions of yourself or friends are not allowed. This includes businesses.

6. No spam. If you didn't get a reply, leave it there. If it is important, contact the mods on Twitch or in Discord.

7. No Backseating. Zannah struggles with demand avoidance so not only will she now not want to progress, but you also ruin the magic of them discovering the game on their own.


1. Do not comment on Zannah's appearance in a negative or sexual manner.

2. Do not message them unless you have my permission to do so. If you are unsure, you can message one of the mods.

3. Do not use the business email for personal means. You will not receive a reply and you may end up blocked depending on the manner of the email.

4. Do not press for private info, respect that if she want to share, she will.

5. The mods have familiarity, just because you see them do something does not mean that you can ignore my boundaries. I know their intentions, I do not know yours

6. If they tell you something is making them uncomfortable, stop doing it


If you are worried you may be saying something unwanted and that stops you from joining in, the worst that will happen is Zannah will ask you to not repeat yourself. Anxiety of upsetting someone accidentally can be very difficult, but we hope you can feel comfortable in this grove.